Sunday, November 21, 2010


On November 20th just before dusk, this bird was flying around the house. I snapped this picture in the backyard.

The next morning around dawn I saw what I think was the same bird in another area of our backyard. He was eating something sitting in a big pile of something white. He would perch in the nearby tree, then go down to the ground and pecked around in this spot and back up inthe tree.

A while later I went out to see what the 'white pile' was and it was the remains of a bird. Not really anything left but feathers.

I'm not sure what kind of bird this is. I thought maybe a harrier or a falcon.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kettle Run!

We finally got our brush cleared out enough to make it down to the stream at the edge of our property. It's really quite beautiful. Buddy enjoyed the walk.