Sunday, April 3, 2011

Baby Bunny

When I was bringing Lucky back in from his walk last night, he pulled over to the little garden in front of our house. He snooped around under a bush and came out with a mouth full of fur. Tim came out and checked into it. I thought he had caught an animal or something, but what was in his mouth was a big puff of fur from a bunny nest. There was a tiny baby bunny crawling near the nest back toward it's home. Tim gently put it back in the nest and covered it back up.

We were worried that the mommy might not come back or would abandon it since we had touched it. I looked up some information on line and found that rabbits commonly leave their nest alone all day and come back to feed the babies only at night. They do this so they don't call attention to the nest to predators. Two days later, the baby was gone. We like to think that the Mom moved it to a safer location.