Saturday, July 17, 2010

Grandpa's Geraniums

My Grandfather, among many other talents, was a voracious gardener. Every spring he would make trip after trip to the garden store and fill every corner of the yard with beautiful; flowers. He loved geraniums and at the end of each season would take cuttings and root them indoors. All winter long he would tend to the messy box in the front window to keep them going, then in the summer he'd plant them outdoors. I remember these huge red blooms that he would fuss at all summer. My mother has managed to keep his line of geraniums going for the last 11 years since he died. I was so happy when my parents came to visit on 4th of July and she bought me a pot with one of Grandpa's Geraniums to grace my front steps. I hope I can make them flourish here. I would love to fill my new property with plants and flowers. We have a huge space, and not a huge budget. If anyone would like to send me seeds from your garden, I'd love that!

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