Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Fall Walk

Took a nice walk today down to the river. The Fall colors brightened the landscape.

We've had rain the last few days, actually a little snow yesterday, and the river is running high. 

Hawk or Falcon?

We saw this beautiful bird of prey on a walk through our property this afternoon. I'm not sure if it's a hawk or a falcon. If you have suggestions, let me know. He had caught something and was perched on a stake in the ground, and flying back and forth to a spot on the ground about 20 feet away where it seemed he was eating something.  As we got closer he flew to some taller trees nearby.

Cardinals signaling the return of winter

I love cardinals. We saw a bright red one in a tree today. Winter is on the way.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


October 29, 2011 An early snowstorm hit the east coast. We just got the southern tip with some snow falling, but no accumulation. In the morning, before it started snowing, there were some turkeys in the backyard.